Spodek Arena

Spodek Arena in Katowice by night

Spodek is one of the most visited attractions in Katowice and one of the reference points for locals and tourists who increasingly travel to the Silesian centre. The history of the building, its curious shape, the enormous number of events that are hosted inside it throughout the year, have contributed over the years to absolutely making Spodek a monument to see. Discover with Air Dolomiti the birth and development of this singular and fascinating structure.


Spodek, Katowice: history and characteristics

Resembling a flying saucer that has landed in the city in a slightly tilted position on its side, Spodek owes its appearance to a complex design, created to ensure maximum solidity in any situation. Covering almost 7 hectares, also by virtue of the complex of buildings connected to it which house an ice-skating rink, a gym and a swimming pool, this multifunctional space has over 11,000 seats in the main arena. Since its construction, which lasted from 1964 to 1971, Spodek has been able to carve out a prominent place in the iconography of the city and in the imagination of the people and is considered among the best-known examples of Polish modernist architecture.


Events and concerts

Not far from the historic centre, no more than 15 minutes on foot, and the focal point of the vast green area called The Culture Zone, built where once there was a large coal mine, Spodek represents, together with the buildings of the National Symphony Orchestra of Polish Radio, the Silesian Museum and the International Congress Centre, the beating heart of the new Katowice. This is where people of all ages love to meet for a walk and a large part of the rich calendar of events that bring the centre of Silesia to life throughout the year are hosted here: in addition to international sporting competitions, it is possible to attend numerous rock concerts with the best bands from all over the world. You can take part in meetings and congresses, activities that attract thousands of visitors and industry insiders to the city. At night, Spodek offers a suggestive show, thanks to a lighting system that emphasises the shapes of the structure and offers moments of pure magic.


Times and tickets

A guided tour of the most hidden corners and curiosities of the Spodek Arena is possible after registering on the structure's website. Visitors thus have the opportunity to walk through the rooms and discover the complex mechanisms that make it possible to transform and modulate this space according to your needs. Entrance costs 8 złoty (PLN) per person and it is free for children up to 7 years old. Before going to the arena for a visit, it is advisable to contact the facility and check availability. Book a flight to Katowice by selecting the Air Dolomiti offers and get ready to live the unique experience of a visit to the Spodek Arena.

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