Luggage packed, a smile on your face, already thinking about your destination… Nothing could possibly go wrong with those wonderful brand-new shoes carefully packed away in your case and the inimitable swimsuit. You’ve got absolutely everything; you’ve even brought an extra book in case you rediscover your passion for novels. A mad rush to the airport (there’s plenty of time and then “…Come on, who misses a plane?”) and just a bit of a queue at Border Control… Telephone in one hand, trolley in the other and… PA-NIC You’ve forgotten the most important thing. You’re a disaster, as your mother always says. Don’t despair – you may not know it yet, but your problem can be solved. TRAVEL DOCUMENTS. You should definitely relax here. Forgotten your paper boarding pass on the top of the bumph on your desk? It’s still in your e-mail account in electronic format (welcome to the e-gate age!) and the check-in desk will be able to issue you a new one, if you’re a fan of printed paper. Same story for hotel bookings, apartments and cars. It’s all on your smartphone. Now that you’ve calmed down a bit, don’t say you didn’t know! MEDICINES. Leaving without an important medicine for your health could be a serious issue. Not to worry; there’s always a doctor on hand in the main airports and you’re sure to find a pharmacy where you can buy the drug you need. For example, in Munich’s Franz Josef Strauss International Airport the Airport Clinic M provides specialised medical care to transit passengers. WALLET. There are banks and post offices in the main airports. If you don’t have the good fortune to bump into your own bank, which may solve your problem in the blink of an eye, request a rechargeable credit card with an IBAN that doesn’t require you to open a bank account. Now all you need is a friend or a kind relative willing to deposit the amount you need for your trip onto your new card. Just remember to bring back a souvenir for your guardian angel! So, dear distracted traveller, as you can see, everything (or almost everything) can be solved. You might want to keep this blog post in your browser favourites and don’t forget to read our tips before you travel, just to be on the safe side!