Travel insurance is often considered an ‘optional extra’ or a ‘luxury service’ when we are planning our holidays. Sometimes we think that taking out insurance means paying an extra charge for our trip, without considering the many advantages of guaranteeing our peace of mind and the success of the trip itself. However, as we’ve learned from recent events, there’s always a risk of unexpected setbacks. Being able to plan your much longed for-holiday without having to worry is perhaps not such an ‘optional extra’ after all. You may be surprised to discover that the first ever insurance in history was in fact a travel insurance policy. On 13 May 1189, Guglielmo Pavere, a famous merchant from Genoa, insured the marine cargo and crew on a trip from Genoa to Barcelona for 12,000 Genoese liras. This important historical document can still be found in the State Archives of Genoa today. While you probably won’t be travelling on a medieval galley on the Mediterranean Sea propelled only by oars, your trip nevertheless deserves to be protected against unexpected events. After all, how could you turn down a last-minute trip to Munich to enjoy modern city life and folklore combined with majestic natural surroundings? Or the mouth-watering fragrances of spaghetti ai ricci di mare and ricotta forte that infuse the paved alleyways in the beautiful ancient city of Bari, the mere thought of which compelled you to buy a plane ticket? Travel insurance enables us to save money should we need to reschedule our trip. It could be an unexpected change before departure or a small setback during the holiday. A travel insurance policy goes a long way towards ensuring that neither of these scenarios will spoil our plans. The advantage of adding Europ Assistance Italy coverage to an Air Dolomiti flight is that this insurance company offers two options to suit different needs with a 24H call centre. • The cancellation policy covers up to €1,000 for documented travel inconveniences. • For a small additional fee, you can get the Multirisk Policy which, as indicated by the name, offers 360° coverage and includes the cancellation policy. It gives you the added benefit of health coverage, which includes local health care assistance in case of illness or accidents, early return with a travel companion or extension of your stay, transfer to a specialised centre, medical and pharmaceutical expenses up to €50,000 and much more. Your luggage and personal belongings will also be covered against damage and theft. Just think about your smartphone! What’s more, you will be entitled to compensation in case of delayed baggage to enable you to buy any items you might need at the time. In short, these small steps offer a large amount of protection that’s well worth considering. If these options sound like a smart choice and you’d like to enjoy a carefree trip, you can find further information here: https://www.airdolomiti.eu/services/insurance